Then the king of Assyria also wrote letters that insulted the Lord...(2 Chronicles 32:17 ERV)
The first thing I did when I read this scripture was pray and ask God to forgive me for any time that I may have insulted Him. For you see, it is an insult to imply that God is not who He says He is or that He will not do whatever He says He will do. It is an insult to question His integrity, intentions, or plans.
It seems to me that God is insulted a lot these days. People everywhere in the world seem to be intent on removing Him from His throne. This of course is to be expected from those who are caught up in the delusions of the prince of this world, but it should not be so with those who call themselves Christian!
Have you ever insulted anyone unintentionally? Have you been misunderstood or spoken without knowing all the facts and had someone end up being insulted? How do you feel when someone insults you? An insult is an insult and insults can be very costly in any of a number of ways.
In the case of the king of Assyria, the cost was deadly. He learned in a most severe way that one should not insult the Lord God.
So, my newest commitment is to be alert and to avoid insulting God. That means I am going to agree with Him. That means that I will pray and think before I speak. That means that I am asking the Holy Spirit to be quick to check me and I will be quick to repent when I do not heed His check.
We are approaching and actually in a time when God is responding at an accelerated pace. That acceleration can be to quickly fulfill the word spoken. This obviously means that if we do not believe then quickly that thing is blocked. It also means that the confirmation of the promise is quickly released and manifested.
Whose report will we believe? What will we declare? Will we worship? Will we praise? Will be believe God? Will we trust Him? In this same chapter we find Hezekiah receiving healing and then being too proud to give God glory. This was an insult. It made God angry. But Hezekiah and the people turned their hearts toward God and God blessed them.
This is just another important step in deepening our commitment to the Lord. We really need to draw nearer and nearer to the Lord. We need to know Him more. The more we know Him, the more committed we will be and the more blessed we will be as a result.
This is a thought worthy of our consideration. If you have never insulted God, that is wonderful. If you find that you have insulted God, what a great opportunity to bless God and reverse the curse, so to speak. May you be richly blessed of the Lord.