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You won't spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God. (1 Peter 4:2 NLT)

There is a difference between being willing and being anxious to do something. If we are anxious to do something we jump at the first opportunity. Not only do we jump at it, but we look for it. Being willing implies more of an, “I will if I have to,” attitude. It is like we are not totally opposed to the idea, but it is not what we long for.

I think religion creates a willing attitude. In other words, we believe in God and we will do what He wants if are sure it is what He wants, but you never really know for sure what God wants so you just do the best you can. And of course God knows our hearts and He knows we are willing so He knows that all He has to do is call and we are willing to do whatever we can! But, after all, God does not expect everyone to be ready to jump right in all the time. I think you get the picture.

This chapter starts with Peter talking about suffering and that we should be prepared to suffer as well. One translation points out that stopping sinning is the beginning of suffering. Whenever we give up our own way, it does in fact involve a certain amount of suffering. After all, we all favor our own ways even if they are sinful. In fact it is a real blow to be made aware of our sin!

The New English Bible says to think of your sufferings as weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. (Ouch) Then you will be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want. You see, suffering comes in more ways that being killed for your faith. Still as Paul said, “I die daily,” in other words, when we give up our will, part of us does die, and that is good death.

So, this is about being anxious or willing; which one are we? Which one does God prefer? Which one would you prefer? If you ask someone to do something, how do you feel if they make it clear they will but it is not really what they prefer to do? How often do we make God feel like we are really doing Him a favor by following His Word? How about this? Do we pray more enthusiastically when we want something that will directly benefit us, or when we just pray in general because we are supposed to pray! We can be honest here, God already knows, and no one else can read our thoughts. The good news is that we can make a change if our answers are not what we know they should be.

Good news! If we are anxious to do His will, we will not notice the suffering so much. We will be confident in His care for us and His rewards to us. Willing is better than unwilling, but it is not what God really desires and it does not accomplish all that He has planned for our lives. It is good to be anxious to do God’s will!

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