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Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. (Galatians 4:1-2 NKJ)

When? How long? It is about time! We all know that time affects nearly every aspect of our lives. Young people cannot wait until they can drive. Interestingly enough, it does not bother them so much until it is close to the time that they can and then it seems like it is forever. I remember when I was a youngster I could not wait until I could hunt with my dad and brother carrying a gun instead of being the bird dog. Just when I turned ten they changed the age to twelve. Now that was a bummer! Looking back, I would say it was a good call to raise the age, but it did not make me happy then.

Hunting, driving, voting, and many other privileges are ours at appointed times. We understand these things in the natural and have no problem stepping in and taking advantage of them when that time arrives. Certain things qualify us and when those qualifications are met it is ours.

The Bible tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus. We are heirs of the kingdom of God. We are heirs of God’s way of doing things. When we are born again, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for eternity with God. Unless we change our minds about that, we will spend eternity with Him. At the same time, we are named heirs in the kingdom. As long as we remain children, things go along as they should for a child. However, there comes a time when we should grow up and begin to do and be what God has ordained for us.

I believe the time appointed by God is today! Jesus often said, “Today if you hear my voice.” It has to do with hearing and believing. It has to do with understanding. It has to do with faith; believing God and believing He can and will do what He says.

James gives us another key that I believe is involved in this, when he points out that a double minded person will not receive anything from God. We often take this scripture and assume that is just means single mindedness concerning the thing we are praying about, but I believe it goes beyond that. I think it means a single mindedness concerning all the things of God. In other words, I may believe and confess and stand for something until I am blue in the face, but if I am unforgiving, or bitter, or in some way outside of God’s way of doing and being, I am stopping the very thing I desire.

You see we need to develop that same mindset that is in Christ. As we gain understanding, God requires that we gain more understanding. The appointed time is today. With the understanding come the keys to the kingdom of God. That kingdom must be lifted up, for the king of that kingdom is Jesus. He is the King of kings. That should give you a royal feeling! Remember, God is not limited by time. He is ready when we are.

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