For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. (Ephesians 2:18 NKJ)
Of course we all know from the word of God that we have access to the Father in the name of Jesus. We know that He said when you call I will answer. We know that Jesus said that what ever we ask in His name the Father will do for us. We know, don’t we? Well it is one thing to hear about it and quite another to actually access it.
Having access is not beneficial if we never access it. For instance, God loves us dearly but we never understand it until we access it. Once we understand it, we can love with His love, but we will never do it unless we access it. All the things of God are ours but we need to access them.
For the email person, it could be likened to an email with an attachment. You must open the attachment in order to access the information. Sometimes we may receive an attachment and not have the program that is required to open it. The importance of the attachment or the person sending it will determine how far we go in trying to access the information. There are other times when a large file comes in that all but stops our computer. Again, depending on the sender and the importance we will either wait or try and get rid of it.
Sometimes when we access God we may need to get clarification or more understanding in order to fully benefit. Sometimes the response almost overloads our system, but no matter what, we must access what is ours in Him. It will always be for our benefit. We simply must be convinced that accessing Him is the only answer.
This could also be likened to looking for a paper file. You know where it should be but just can’t seem to find it. You know just what you are looking for and even what is in the file, but you have to have it in your hand. So you search and search. Why? Because it is important, that is why. So it is with accessing God; when we know He is accessible and are convinced that it is worth the effort, then we will see results.
So think about it. What is it that you need to access God for? I am not talking about a wish list for things. According to Him, all the things will be added to us when we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. So let’s access the things that open the flood gates. Start accessing His love. Start accessing His wisdom and patience. Access His mercy and generosity.
I can tell you that since He first began to remind me to remember who is in me and the power I can draw on, I have had ample opportunity to fail in doing it. Knowing it is there is one thing but taking the next step and accessing it is what makes all the difference in seeing it manifest. There is a good reason why we need to come boldly as we do this. The enemy surely does not want us putting this into practice. He knows that when we access the Father, he is in for a world of hurt!