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The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12 NLT)

Today my bride and I are going to go on a motorcycle cruise. I am the driver and she is the planner. So which of us is most important on this trip? Obviously we could not go if I did not drive. On the other hand, if she had no desire and she did not plan we would not be seeing what we are going to see; in other words, we both play and significant part. The very reason we are going is because it is a desire of her heart and I desire to fulfill her desires. We need each other.
Our relationship with God is much like this. We need Him, and He needs us. We could not be one if we did not want to be one with Him. His desire is to give us the desire of our hearts. He sees us and important parts of His body, and we see Him as Lord. If anything is missing from that, then it is not complete.
Before we leave, we spend a good deal of time trying to make sure that we are not missing anything. My bride is the wiser one, she uses lists. I on the other hand try to think of things I may be forgetting. Between the two of us we will probably have everything. However, should that we find that we are missing anything; we will stop along the way and do our best to acquire it. Some things are obvious, like fuel for the bike while other things could come up but we will handle them as they do.
When the Lord speaks of the body of Christ, He makes it pretty clear that every part is important. He also points out that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to various people as they are needed. One thing that I think many have missed, is that God said to desire the best gifts. I have always felt that the best gift is the one that will do the most good at the time.
It seems to me that many have misunderstood the availability of the gifts and decided that the Holy Spirit gives them as He decides and so they either have them or they don’t. The question we should ask is how does He decide? Could it be that our asking has something to do with it?
Jesus told us over and over to again to ask. We ask for lots of things, but when it comes to the gifts of God, we are probably all guilty of being a little lax. We may also be guilty of being picky about which gifts we want and don’t want. What if we were just open and asked God if we are missing anything. Better yet, what if we just said God I want it all!
I want this trip that my bride and I are going on to be perfect. I want everything to be the best. This should be my attitude about my trip with God as well. Lord, am I missing anything? Is there something I am neglecting? Holy Spirit, quicken my spirit to seek the best gift in all situations. I want what will best serve your body in every part of my life. You, after all, are life.

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