Crowds came in from the villages around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those possessed by evil spirits, and they were all healed.(Acts 5:16 NLT)
Are we as Christians ready for people to be brought to us for healing? Are we ready for the day when God pours out His Spirit in such measure that multitudes realize that he is the way and truth and life? Are we ready to drop whatever we are doing to meet the needs of those who come? Are we ready?
This scripture speaks of people coming from everywhere, for just one thing. There were coming to receive their miracles. They were bringing sick and possessed people. They were bringing their needs and their needs were being met.
I am not so sure that a lot of people see the church as a place to get their needs met. I think that many people who do call for prayer do not expect anything to happen, they just want to be sure that the prayer chain knows. This is not the case with everyone, but it is I believe, the case with many.
To be honest, I am really tired of seeing sickness ravage people. Those I know and those I do not know. I know that God can say a word and end every sickness and heal every body broken by the darkness of this world. I say this because these things certainly are not God’s doing, so it leaves only the devil who exists to steal, kill, and destroy.
The question that came to me as I read this scripture was, “are you ready?” I know that it really has nothing to do with me. I know that it is the power of God that must be released, and that He alone will heal every disease. But people have to come. In order for them to come, something has to happen. They have to have a reason to come.
The reason all of these people were coming was because the word was out, that the same things that happened when Jesus was in the land were continuing to happen through His servants. God was confirming His word with signs and wonders. He is still doing it today, but not on the scale that I believe He really wants.
It is time we rose up and walked in faith. It is time we attacked every seed of unrighteousness that the devil sows. This of course includes sin, but it is not just sin. Everything that exalts itself against God and His creation is unrighteous. Sickness is a terrible attack, demonic bondage is terrible and well the list is long.
The disciples simply went about their day spreading the good news. Jesus heals, saves, delivers, provides, and protects. As a result people came and received. Are we ready to pour Jesus out on this world? Make it so Lord…make it so.