Violence will disappear from your land; the desolation and destruction of war will end. Salvation will surround you like city walls, and praise will be on the lips of all who enter there. (Isaiah 60:18 NLT)
When we are born again; and we must be born again; we are immediately prepared for all that God has promised through Jesus Christ. Really, we are! We become the light of the world. It takes time at times, to get the understanding, but we can walk in the light as He is in the light if we will.
We can immediately be free from fear. That does not mean we will never fear; it simply means that we can shake it off. We can leave fear at the door of trust in the Lord.
We are in what we could call fearful times. We see the wars and fears of bigger wars and it is not good. Still, we can stand without fear. We are told to pray and stand and understand that the Lord has not changed. He is able to do abundantly above and beyond what we could ask or think or even imagine. We must shake off the fear in order to pray in faith.
Jesus never said it would be easy. He just said to do it because we could. The world needs us to pray. When we do not know what to pray, we can lean on Holy Spirit to guide us. In order to pray we must have a desire to pray. It seems that we are often in the trap of worrying rather than warring in prayer. Don’t fall into that trap. Catch the rope of faith before you slide down into that pit.
Pray for multitudes to be saved. When fear is surrounding people, doors open to the truth. Be ready to share the truth. Don’t worry about what you will say, God will show you.
Christians, we need to be prepared to show what the Lord has done for you. Philippians 2 starts out asking if there is any value in their faith in Christ. Does He encourage? Does He offer comfort? Has his presence given us tender hearts and compassion? He challenges us to check ourselves and see if we have allowed Christ to make a difference in our lives.
I do not know when God will close the curtain and end the world as we know it. I do know that Christ is here with us now. I have experienced Him in wonderful ways. I have failed to put His word and ways into practice, and I have been forgiven often. When we cry out to Him, he hears us, and He acts. We do not have to see what we asked to know that He has heard and responded. We know that we live by faith and not by sight.
Of course, we would prefer to see. It is easier to trust when we can see it. Still, we trust in a lot of things without seeing them. We expect things to work. You expect your television to have the show you want to watch. You expect your phone to ring when someone calls. You expect the light to turn on when you turn on the switch. We do not worry about those things. At least I hope not.
So, if we can trust these things, can’t we trust God. Arise and shine Christians. Shine from the inside and on the outside. Put your trust in the Lord and encourage others to do the same. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Get in the battle. Ukrainians need our prayers. Russians need our prayers. There are a lot of others who need our prayers that are not in the news. Friends, neighbors, and yes enemies need our prayers. And we need to pray. It builds our faith. Be ready at all times!