Come everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with Joyful praise! For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is the great King of all the earth. (Psalm 47:1-2 NLT)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Jesus is alive! Death could not defeat Him! The grave could not hold Him! Jesus is alive! Let’s just praise the Lord. Shake off those heavy bands! Lift up those holy hands! Let all of God’s people praise the Lord!
It is such a privilege to know the goodness of God! I awoke today thankful that I do. I also awoke feeling a heaviness and asking God what it was all about. I thought about the first resurrection day and how miserable they must have been while they waited to have a proper funeral for Jesus. I am so thankful that we know about the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead.
I am so glad to know that the same power that raised Him now lives to carry us every day, all the way to heaven. If Christ is in us, then we are heirs of the kingdom. We are alive! Oh, how great is our hope in glory? We not only can tell the story; we can live the story!
My youngest child was married on Friday. Yes, she got married on Good Friday and tax day! I had the privilege of officiating the ceremony and as I sought the Lord it occurred to me that it was a perfect day to celebrate a marriage.
Just as Jesus pressed toward that day, so the couple pressed toward the wedding day. Jesus died so that we could live so it is, that the individuals who marry also come to an end and they become a new family together. Of course, they are still two, but instead of preferring themselves, they prefer one another. The two become one!
Jesus preferred us and gave His life for us. When we come to Him, we prefer Him and give our life to Him. In a marriage, this is what makes it work and last. The same is true of our marriage to Christ. Jesus gives us all we could ever need to make life last.
In a marriage the couple is supposed to lean on each other and this is what the Lord desires from us. He wants us to depend upon Him! Depending on Jesus is a sure sign of life!
In every circumstance of life, we can hear Holy Spirit reminding us that He is there for us. Jesus said I will not leave you; rather I will pray, and God will send you another comforter. Listening for His voice and leaning on His everlasting arms is another sign of life.
Celebrate Jesus! Celebrate Him at all times! In the garden, Mary grabbed ahold of Jesus and did not want to let Him go. Jesus told her that she could not do that until after He went to His Father. We can grab ahold of Him! We must grab ahold of Him! When we cling to Jesus it is yet another proof that we are alive!
The truth is every day is Resurrection Day in Christ Jesus. Every day is an opportunity to celebrate Him. He strengthens us. He comforts us. He provides for us. He encourages us. He truly does supply all of our needs if we will just lean on Him. God emptied that tomb in order to fill ours!