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But the Pharisees left and made plans to kill Jesus. (Matthew 12:14 ERV)

Sometimes we all have moments where we simply cannot see or we do not want to see or we only see what we want to see. The Pharisees were in exactly that place. No matter what Jesus did, they just wanted Him gone. Even when one of their own would caution them the rest would accuse them of believing in Jesus; which was exactly what they all needed. In verse 24, they went right over the edge when they decided Jesus was using demon powers to do good. They really did know better but they were willing to over ride the truth to get rid of what they saw as a problem even though the problem was really the solution to everything.

So, have you ever been blind? Have you ever set aside what deep down you knew was the truth in order to follow what deep down you did not feel right about? Sometimes we do these things unconsciously and other times we have to make a very calculated effort in order to do it.

We do have an amazing ability to justify what we want, even when we suspect that God wants something different. When we go with what God wants, people on the outside may accuse us of being weak and having some sort of dumb blind faith. May God grant us all the gift of blind faith! May we have such trust that we will follow Him even if we never totally understand what is going on.

I personally would rather follow someone who is leading me to victory rather than follow the one who leads me only to destruction. Life and victory really is what everyone wants, but we really do need to be aware of the thief who wants only to see us destroyed. He just wants us to do wrong and then blind us to the fact that it is wrong because he knows that if he can do that we will be destroyed.

God on the other hand wants us to do right and to remember that if we do wrong we have an advocate who stands for us so that when we ask forgiveness we can be forgiven. No matter how deep our blindness may get, we can always turn to God from our sins. This is the truth and this truth makes us free.

God made us in order to have a relationship with us. It really is that simple! God loves the truth. We all prefer the truth as well. We do not like to have people lie to us or about us. To say or represent in any way that God is not true, or that God does not love, is a lie. Knowing that, we also must accept that God is just and loves justice. He cannot condone wrong and the only way to erase it is with the righteousness of God that we receive in Christ Jesus. We must not let anything blind us to the truth. He is the only thing really worth having. If we can see this, then we are not blind.

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