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Dear woman, why are you crying? Jesus asked her. "Who are you looking for?" (John 20:15 NLT)

The question for our lives is; are we looking. Jesus asked her who she was looking for. We spend a lot of time looking for things. Even when it comes to Jesus, if we think about it, we more often are looking for something rather than looking for Him.
We are looking for our healing, our provision, our answer, our comfort, or some other thing. Scripture tells us to look unto God who is the author and finisher of our faith. The Bibles says that all things are in Christ and of Christ and come through Christ. So, I am thinking it would be well to adjust our focus a bit from what to Who.
The woman with the issue of blood was convinced that just touching Jesus garment would get her what she needed. She went to the who, to get the what! Open our eyes Lord. We need to see Jesus.
When it hits us that He is all we need then we know that all we need is to look for Him. We all know that nothing can truly satisfy us like Jesus. If we don’t realize that, then we need to do some more who searching. Now, we know in part; later we will see Him face to face and nothing else will matter.
He can handle the what, because He knows what we need before we ask. It may seem like this is all just repeating the same thing over and over. You are right it is! Paul talked about knowing in
who he believed. He also knew that he was who he was because of who he believed. Thomas may have doubted for a bit but when he saw Jesus, he knew Jesus was Lord.
Since we all know that it is about Jesus more than it is about the things, it is good for us to look to Him and for Him. He is never far away. He is always as near as the mention of His name, the lifting of our eyes or the turning of our ear to Him.
No miracle, no answer to prayer, no object of our desire can compare to Him. I have seen people receive an answer to prayer and never mention what God did for them. I prayed before I knew Jesus and I am certain He answered many and I never bothered to thank Him. Recently I was talking to Him about why He even bothered with me. It reminds me to be more compassionate and understanding when I think of His compassion.
We miss so much when we fail to look for Him and look to Him. Yes, He wants us to trust Him and asking does show that we have at least a little understanding, but how do we feel about Him. Do we remember to call just because we love Him and appreciate how much just knowing Him means to us? Who are you looking for?

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