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Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. (Psalms 119:35-37 NLT)

We can, and we should be sure of our salvation. We should also be sure that He is what we want. Salvation is the result or the reward of desiring God thru Jesus Christ. So what we need to be sure of is Christ our savior. Does that make sense? He is the source of assurance.
Since He is, we can be sure of who He is and that He for us. This seems so elementary, and yet there are many with a great deal of head knowledge that do not get this. If we have this, then we have the foundation for all that He promises in order to be built up in our most Holy Faith. So we first must know the foundation of our salvation. That foundation is Christ and there is no other.
We also must be sure that we are not just looking for a temporary rescue or a far off eternity; we must be looking for life! If we are not looking to Jesus for life we are fooling ourselves but we are not fooling Him.
So, are you sure? I spent several months after the Lord came into my life without assurance. I was sure that He changed my life. I was sure that I would never be same. I just was not sure that I could be sure. The fact that I could be sure was settled, I just did not know it. Knowing the truth set me free from wondering launched me into more truth. So we need to be sure about the truth and about our willingness to choose the truth.
Sometimes people hear the truth, but do not receive the truth. The truth is, that we do not need to understand the truth in order for the truth to accomplish what God intends it to accomplish. We only understand things that we want to understand. Scripture tells us to get understanding, but if we do not desire truth we not move forward and receive the understanding that need.
Sometimes people simply reject the truth because they do not want to hear the truth. This is true in believers as well and unbelievers. Believers can prefer worthless things and reject the truth, but we should not!
Everyone at one time or another has been asked the question, “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Often times this question is posed when the person asking the question has more understanding and is trying to help the other person avoid a wrong choice. We can be sure that Jesus is the perfect choice in and for all things. What we have to make sure of is that we are sure. Are we sure He is where our happiness is found? Are sure that following Him is the highest priority in our lives? There is no condemnation if we recognize a need to shift a gear in one area or another. It is just good to be sure. Lord shine your light and help us see for sure.

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