But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. (Acts 1:8 NLT)
We have all felt powerless at one time or another which is usually joined by helpless and hopeless. Despair might be the combination word that leaves us feeling desperate. Be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome all of this.
At the name of Jesus all these things are rendered helpless. We may not always feel it, but we can and may I say must know it. You can read testimonies of many who have been in the worst circumstances only to discover that they were the best of times with the Lord.
At this particular time, I think the followers of Jesus were doing anything they could just to stay afloat. They had been way up, way down, way up and seen amazing things, and then sent away to wait.
As you know from reading Acts, they really had no idea what they were waiting for. They were confused. They were on the verge of giving up. But there was always at least one of them that would encourage the whole group to wait. We at least have some ideas to consider.
Oh how we hate it when someone challenges us to just wait a little longer. When it comes to waiting, most of us have already waited long enough when we have to think about waiting. It is like telling a child to wait to open presents. We need it the minute we see it. It may be something material, physical, or spiritual, but we do not like to wait. We prefer to wait to do things we do not want to do. Yes we can wait for that.
What a relief it is when we can just wait upon the Lord. If we can just push everything else out of the way and wait for Him.
Deep down, part of us knows that He is all we need. We just don’t know how to get ourselves to believe it. Wait. Yes, just wait intentionally for nothing but Him. Push aside everything else that come to mind and focus on Him. After all, He is the way the truth and the life. He is the light of the world. If you have never heard that, this is great news. If you have heard it a thousand times, this is great news. Wait on the Lord. He is faithful and always does what He promises.
The disciples just wanted something to happen. They had been waiting and waiting. They thought they lost everything, and yet Jesus told them it would be better than ever. How could it possibly be better than ever without Him?
Then when Holy Spirit came, they realized they had Him in a greater measure than they ever knew before. Are you waiting for Him? Have you experienced Him in that way? If you have, you know it was worth the wait and how to wait again. Are you waiting?