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"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15 NKJ)

I have recently come to understand something that gives me yet another reason to serve our Lord with ever increasing diligence. I do not want Him to lose on my account. Can God really lose? Yes, unfortunately God loses often. How can this be? Well, when we lose, give up, give in, or get out; God loses.

I came to this realization as I was expressing my wonder of God and His greatness. I told Him it was hard to imagine being so perfect and powerful that He never loses. He quickly told me that He loses often and He loses a lot when He loses. Of course my first thought was this could not be, but just as quickly I realized that it was oh so true.

God’s offer of free will to His creation has caused Him great loss and great pain from the start. Lucifer had free will and chose to rebel and as a result God lost one third of the angels.

In the garden, He lost Adam and Eve and all of man kind. Throughout the Old Testament we see time after time when the people ignored God and lost battle after battle. When they lost God lost. You don’t have to think very long once you understand that our losses are God’s losses to see just how true that is.

This is why I am more determined that God should not lose on my account. I thought about Joshua’s statement and I realized that the only one I can control is me. I can encourage my house and prayerfully be a good example but ultimately we all have our own free will to choose who we will serve and how we will serve.

It gives me a heavy heart to realize that I have been the source of many losses for the Lord. I have been guilty of losing His peace. It is such a perfect peace and He has given it to me forever. How sad for Him to watch as I squander it. I have no idea what sense of loss He suffers on those occasions.

The same can be said for love, joy, self control, faithfulness, and meekness. Oh and I must not leave out gentleness or wisdom. There are many other areas where God loses that we could name but it is enough to say that the only losses He suffers are due to our negligence of His Word and the choices we make.

He has destined us to win. So as for me, I do not want to cause God to lose. I have always understood what a price He paid for my salvation, but I never had a clear picture that I could still cause Him to lose. How I pray that I can help to cut His losses. How about you?

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