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He gave us life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us His very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds. (Titus 2:14)

What do you do with distractions? There are so many things around to be distracted by. The phones that most of us have around us are a distraction in themselves, and they contain more distractions than we can possibly name. Ok, I will be honest and tell you that as I started to type this I checked for my phone! What if someone needed to get in touch with me?

The truth is, the one that I most love to hear from can contact me at any time and anywhere that I might be. Would you believe that He has reminded me on occasion that I do not have my phone. He reminds me of lots of things and helps me with everything.

I make an effort to be aware of what He wants. I wish there was a way to never be distracted, but I have not yet found it. I have, however, found that I can keep distraction from becoming the main attraction. It does not take much to check the distraction to see if it is divine and worthy of my time or something that I leave behind.

God really does want us to be totally committed to His plan. It is not because He is selfish. It is because He wants us to have the great success that He has planned. He is always for us! He knows our weaknesses. We just need to know that He has in fact freed us from defeat.

In our service last week, the Lord told us, “Say no more that it is too much!” Nothing is too difficult for God. Again, I am reminded of songs like, Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus and the chorus reminding us that nothing is too difficult for God.

If we will let His promises and decrees be our main attraction, we will always defeat the distractions.

I am amazed by the dreams that some people have. I have very few dreams that are memorable and they seldom long in duration. Recently I was dreaming, and I had a thought that perhaps I direct the dream and refocus it on Jesus. The only thing I remember was that I was trying to do that. The result was a lesson for when I am awake. Always return to the main attraction.

Did you know that you are the main attraction. His eyes are always on you. They always have been. There has never been a time when He did not care for you. He set you free. He set us all free so that we could enjoy Him at all times. We really are always on His mind. He knows what we need before we call.

I love my children, but they are not always on my mind. However, when they call, they become the focus of my attention. Calling out to God does not get His attention, it makes Him our focus. We can take His love for granted. I mean that in a good way. We can also take advantage of Him in a good way, because when we do, it shows we believe what He says. Frequently someone will start a conversation saying, “I hate to bother you!” We can never bother God.

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