But the plant soon wilted under the hot sun, and since it didn’t have deep roots, it, died (Mark 4:6)
I once had a tooth that was infected and needed to be gone. I finally found a dentist who would pull it, but it was not easy. First, the infection would not allow it to be numbed, I did not care, I just wanted it out. So we began; only to find that it was not going to be easy. Three hours later, I made it home. The roots were firmly attached to the bones and well there is a lot more to the story but as I considered roots in Christ I was reminded of this stubborn tooth, and I have decided that I want to make sure my roots in Christ are deep and strong.
We are in good times for strengthening our roots. Christians everywhere are being persecuted. We are seeing things that we never imagined right here in America. There is talk of tracking Christians and bank accounts and we know they watch our posts on social apps. This devotion may get flagged! We just do not know; but we do know that we must be prepared to stand against all the wiles of the devil.
The truckers in the north are taking a stand and stirring things up in a swamp that no one thought was there. We continue to be amazed. Not in a good way, but we are amazed! In all of this, we certainly must pray and be prepared. We must push our roots down into God’s love. We must search our own hearts and determine what our personal response will be in the face of persecution. What will we do?
Will we pray? Will we stand with those who are taking a stand? Will we dare to say what is true when lies are being spoken around us? Will we? Or will we stand far away and simply be thankful that we do not have to take a stand. We really cannot just mind our own business. We need to be prepared to share the truth.
It is not right when we hear people speak about taking away our freedom if we do not do what the government wants us to do. I am all for obeying laws, but I am not for being robbed of my God given rights or being forced to do what goes against my faith!
So yes, we will pray. And we will be prepared. If we find that we have hit some rocky soil, we must press through that so that we do not wither if things get heated. I saw a photo today of Ukrainian Christians kneeling in the snow praying in face of danger. Lord bless them.
I pray that is never necessary in my life but I also that I will be well prepared and rooted if it is. In fact, we are supposed to have snow coming. If we do get the snow I am going to go out and kneel and pray in solidarity with those folks. I know, I can pray in my house, and I have, but I just want to go to the snow. I believe that is a thought from the Lord for me.
I just feel like we all need to consider the soil of our faith. We all have good soil available, and we all have some that is rocky, and weedy. We all have things that block our roots. We all find things in life that cause us to stall and hesitate. These are things that provide opportunities for strengthening our roots if we will use them. Let’s drive our roots down deep.