"For we cannot but speak the things which we have see and heard." (Acts 4:20 NKJ)
If we expect to see anything, we will need to be watching. When I was a young boy, I was our family bird dog. I could spot the pheasants with the best of them and since I was not old enough to hunt, I was also the retriever! My dad would laugh me and call me “eagle eye;” and for that reward I would watch even closer.
It was also in my own best interest to listen when my parents spoke, if you know what I mean. I learned that lesson well as a child, of course when I got older there were many times did not listen as well. One thing we learned to listen closely for was my dad’s whistle. That meant get home now, and to this day I always look when I hear a whistle.
The disciples saw a great deal when they were with Jesus and heard all of His teaching, yet we know that when He was arrested they ran. When the Holy Spirit came, their eyes and understanding were awakened to a whole new level. As a result, they watched more closely and listened more carefully. They were on the hunt for the things of God.
We too should be like hunters for the things of God. Just think about it. Hunters will sit in a tree stand for hours with eyes and ears wide open. They will continually scan the area around them, listening for the slightest sound of approaching game, while being completely still, not wanting to do anything to ruin the opportunity for the big one.
Previous to this point in time, they have probably spent days, weeks, months, or even years scoping out the best places to make their stand. They will invest money in travel, and equipment and even hire guides at times because it is worth it to gain the prize. Some hunts may require a great deal of exertion, so extra time is spent to make sure they are in condition to make the hunt.
Yes it is a big deal! There are networks on television dedicated to the hunt for fish and game. You can order everything you need to be the best informed and equipped person out there. Of course, once someone has watched and listened and added experience to it, there is no lack in the speaking of the experience.
Yes, we should be like hunters for God. We should be watching closely for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and listening carefully for His voice. These are things that we can do where ever we are and what ever we are doing. We just need to have the desire and God will show us how to be zealous for the best, while we do all the rest.
He loves to join us in the things we enjoy. We just need to remember to watch and listen and speak what we see and hear.