The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. (1 Timothy 1:5 NLT)
We cannot handle life by ourselves. We can try. We can pretend. We can declare. But in truth we need help. That is why Jesus said that we could do nothing on our own. Because of this, He sent Holy Spirit to be our helper. If we were not needy, we would not need a helper! God knows best!
Oh, what a wonderful day that is when we understand that He knows best and that we can trust Him to do His best for us. It just another of those truths that set us free. Every time I sing, “You’re all I want. You’re all I ever needed;” I have a huge amen ringing inside of me. Even as I write this, I am wondering how I missed Him for so long.
Paul told Timothy that he had a purpose for the instruction he was giving him. We may often find ourselves ignoring instructions in our lives. Like the instruction manual for putting things together! I always ignore the little hints that apps want to give me to do stuff. Unless of course it is something I want to do. Most of the time the instructions are gone before I find myself asking how someone did something.
Every word of God is good! Since every word is good, it would be good to read it. If we do not understand it, we can be sure that our helper does and when we read it, it is stored in our heart. It is there to help. Even if we don’t know it, it is good to have it available.
What does Paul mean when he talks about love that comes from a pure heart? I think we all know that there are differences in the manifestations of Love. Paul is giving us a look at the kind of love that does not fail. If we do not grasp it, we come short of a clear conscience and genuine faith.
Genuine faith starts with knowing we have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and we need a savior. Genuine faith does not rest on the fact that everyone has sinned, and no one is perfect. It does not let up just because we are better than we were, or better than some other folks we know. Paul declared that he was the worst sinner of all and that he knew he was still needy.
Paul’s instructions are for all of us, because we live in a world that needs to see the power of God to change lives. As they say, changed people can help change people!
I find myself assessing myself and asking God to do the final assessment. Last week I read something that caused me to pause and make sure that I had not stalled. I looked back wanting to make sure that I still had my foot on the gas, so to speak. I have rolled up to a stop light and waiting for it to turn green, and then discovered that my engine had stalled. I then restarted only to discover that I had failed to down shift, so I went from stalled to killing the engine. Yes, I am talking about my motorcycle here, but in the old days of the stick shift it happened in my grandpa’s old car. It can happen to anyone. Once on my Goldwing, I stalled turning uphill into traffic. Not good!
I don’t want to stall and wreck my faith. I need to stay aware. He is what we need more and more!