And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2 NKJ)
One thing we really need to understand is that God wants us involved in His Kingdom. He wants us to know what His will is. If this were not true He would not tell us time and time again that we should know or that we could prove what it is. How can we prove God’s word? We must seek it, know it, and stand on it. As they say, “Ya gotta want it!”
If we do not know the truth, we will end up like so many, just declaring that this or that must be the Lord’s will, when in fact the circumstances are totally and completely out of Character for God.
God made it clear to Job’s friends that they failed to tell the truth about Job and what was happening or had happened to him. God told them He was angry with them because they did not tell the truth about Him! (Job 42) You see, we can be guilty of speaking wrongly about God if we do not know Him or His character. It may sound noble to declare that this must be the will of God, but if it is not Him, that is not good.
We can ask God. We should ask God. We should seek and find understanding in all things. Seek the peace of God! No wonder Paul spoke of his great desire to know Him. It is sad when we do not bother to survey all that God has promised us. In Genesis 13:17, God tells Abraham, “So go. Walk through your land. I now give it to you.”
This is pretty much the same instruction that Jesus left us with. He revealed the Kingdom of God to us and said walk in it. He said as the Father sent me, so I send you. He said that He was the way, the truth, and the life. In other words, He was the way to live!
Truly, we are to pray for God’s Kingdom to come into every circumstance. We are to desire and call for His will to be done. We should never give up on His truth. We should never give in to the lie. We should stand, and when we have done everything to stand; we should just keep standing.
We can be sure that even though there may be fires and storms around us, the still small voice of the Lord is more powerful. He is just waiting for us to desire Him. He is waiting for us to ask what His good and acceptable and perfect will is.
As we walk through the land He has given us, we will see and know Him better. When we know Him better we will not be so quick to wrongly declare things that really are not His will to be His will. We must resolve in our hearts that we will know the truth, before we speak something that is not true about our wonderful Lord.