"What is this that He says, A little while? We do not know what He is saying." (John 16:18)
Just when things were starting to come together Jesus threw them a curve ball. Just when it looked like the kingdom that He had been showing them was about to be set up complete with Him as King, He says He is going to be gone for a while. It just did not make sense!
Does this sound familiar? I can tell you that there are lots of times when I just do not know what the Lord is saying or doing or not saying or not doing. However, I find comfort in the fact that it is not so important that I know what He is saying as it is that I know Him. It is also good to consider that it will only be a little while.
I find that I miss a lot when I fail to take the time to imagine what the Lord might be doing. No matter what the circumstance, if we will refuse to react to them and instead look to God, we will find our answers and our help in our time of need.
When the disciples expressed their confusion, the response started out sounding kind of grim. Ok, it sounded really grim. He told them they were going to weep and have great sorrow! Doesn’t that sound like something to really look forward to?
Fortunately He does not leave them hanging with that as the last thought. He goes on to tell them that in only a short time He will see them again and they will have joy that no one can take from them. Now that sounds a lot better doesn’t it?
Jesus goes on to tell them that things will be even better after the sorrow than they were before. He tells them about going directly to the Father in prayer. He tells them the Father is going to do anything they ask Him to do.
After this, they really get it. They even tell Him that He is finally saying it plainly. Have you ever thought that you finally had it all together only to find out there is still more to learn? Well just as the disciples are declaring that Jesus in finally making sense, He lets them know that there are still a few bugs in their understanding. In fact, they will leave Him all alone before it is all done. However, He does assure them that He has overcome the world and its tribulations and they will too.
Have you ever tried to imagine the range of emotions that Jesus followers went through over the next few days? Try as I may, I really cannot. I do know that nothing I have experienced could really compare. I do take great comfort in knowing that the same remedy for all things is mine in Christ Jesus. I don’t need to know everything, I simply need to stay close to the one who does. He left the disciples for a little while, but He never leaves you or me. Now isn’t that a nice thought.