I tell you the truth, anyone who welcomes my messenger is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming the Father who sent me. (John 13:20 NLT)
Who is this king of glory? He is the Lord strong and mighty. Lift up your heads and the king of glory will come in. These declarations in Psalm 24 give us a picture of how eager God is to be present with us. Other scriptures tell us to look up and we will see Him.
I admit I love His presence. I always want to welcome His presence. As I have been considering this, I have been more aware of the need to welcome and acknowledge His presence in more than times of fellowship.
He is always present! We sing a chorus that says “In all I do I want to honor you.” Everywhere we are God is present. He is present to help me consider my ways. He is present to hear what I say. He is present and knows what I think. On more than one accession I stopped to apologize to the Lord for what I was thinking. Unfortunately, I have even had to apologize for thinking the same way on more than one occasion!
We need not get discouraged when we are corrected; we need to simply be more determined to honor His presence. Being aware of His presence does in fact honor Him.
If someone comes to your door and knocks and you do not hear it, but you happen to look out your window and see that someone is there, even though they have been waiting and they might be walking away, you would hurry to acknowledge their presence wouldn’t you. Well God never walks away, He just waits.
He tells us to wait on Him and He will renew our strength, when in fact He is always present and waiting on us. He has even given His angels instructions to watch over us and serve us. You are welcome here Lord. We love your presence. We love your presence when we are together and we love your presence in our daily lives. Yes Lord, have your way. You are the potter; we are the clay.
God also tells us to fear not. The Lord our God in the midst of us is mighty. Truly, things in our world look like they are out of control. People are pumping fear and despair and the devil thinks he is winning. We have this confidence that in a moment God can turn it all around. As God keeps disclosing the evil, He is opening people’s eyes. He is giving opportunities for us to shine His light as we walk in His presence. I truly believe there are many sudden changes in the works!
We have His promise that we can dwell in His presence. Holy Spirit is our guide. He is our counselor and the One who leads us into all truth. When we welcome Him we welcome Jesus and the Father. We welcome the truth that makes us free. We welcome you Lord!