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Do not quench, subdue, or be unresponsive to the working and guidance of the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19 AMP)

This scripture is a great reminder of just how we are to treat THE Holy Spirit. Don’t quench or limit Him. We need to welcome Him and give Him all of us.
I wish I could say that I have never been unresponsive to His guidance, but I am certain I have been. His desire is to guide us in all things, so it stands to reason that He is present in all things.
He is present to keep us from going the wrong way and from staying the wrong things. He is present to guide us into all truth. Remember Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” How can we get through trials? Receive the Holy Spirit. Where can we get wisdom? Receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “When He comes, He will lead you into all truth.”
Holy Spirit brings the truth to our minds and bears witness to the things of God. We need Him for all things. Therefore, it stands to reason that we should, no we must welcome Him into every part of our lives. After all, He is our source of life.
I was talking this over with Him and considering how I may be neglecting Him and not recognizing Him for all that He is. After all, we cannot come to God unless He draws us. The Holy Spirit draws us. The Holy Spirit introduces and reveals Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit fills us with power. He empowers us.
Jesus said that He had to leave so The Holy Spirit could be sent. So The Holy Spirit was present and sent and He lives in us. God in us. Christ in us. Holy Spirit in us. Oh that we might be one even as they are one. If we get our relationship with God rolling, then the life that is in Christ Jesus is released in us.
He will explain all things. There are things we know because we just know them. There are things that make complete sense to us that we can never really explain to someone else and yet those that understand them just know too.
Paul said that he just wanted to know Christ. He was so confident in the Holy Spirits revelations that he told people that they would find out that he was right even in what they might disagree with him on once they understood. It is kind of like someone saying, “You’ll see.”
I want to see! I want to see all that Jesus intended for me to see, and that will come as I yield more and more to THE HOLY SPIRIT. WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT!

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