And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God (John 17:3 NKJ)
Do you know God? Do I know God? We need to know God. There is no such thing as “well enough,” when it comes to knowing God. I do not know anyone who knows God who thinks they know God well enough. That is because there is this deep sense within that knows there is more.
There are a lot of things that I know well enough to get by to a certain extent. I know how to wire electricity and plumb well enough that I can do my own work, but I do not know it well enough go into the business. I can drive well enough to go to town, but not for NASCAR racing. You see, there are some things where well enough will work, but knowing God is not one of those places.
There will always be places in our lives where we discover a new place to know Him more, and the more aware we are of this fact, the more likely we will be to watch for those places and turn to Him.
There are times of trouble that turn our heads. Often time’s people are hoping God will do something during those times. If we look at those times as opportunities to know Him more they will be exactly that. If on the other hand we only we see those times as places where God has failed us or tested or tempted us, we will miss Him completely.
There are also opportunities to know Him more in times of great joy and victory. Again, we must see Him as the source of those times in order to realize that it gives Him great pleasure to see the prosperity of His children. We need to know that!
Knowing Jesus also causes us to be conscious of how we represent Him. Knowing Him affects our actions and how we speak. How we trust and how we love also reveals how well we know Him. If we are not concerned about how we represent Him, we don’t know Him.
Simply knowing about him and thinking we know Him well enough can produce adverse results when exposed to who others who know Him. Look at the response of the religious leaders when the blind man questioned their knowledge of God when they refused to accept that he had been healed by the power of God.
The bottom line is that we can know Him more! I want to know Him more. When I see someone who knows Him more, I want to know the more that they know. God calls us all to encourage one another to know Him more. The more we know Him; the more we love and trust Him.
So you see, you do not know Him well enough even if you know Him well.