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For my eyes have seen your salvation...(Luke 2:30)

What a blessing it is to see what the Lord has done. As we read of the birth of our Lord, there is much to see. The shepherds saw the angels and they believed. They went and saw the baby and they believed the baby was the King sent by God. Remember, they rejoiced that it was just as they had been told?

Lately, it is Simeon who has drawn my attention. Scripture tells us that he was a devout man and that the Spirit was upon him, and that the Spirit had revealed to him that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord’s anointed one; the Christ. How long do you suppose he had been waiting? How long had he been telling people that the savior of the world would come before he departed? How many people do you suppose believed him? How long did he live after he saw Jesus and how many people did he tell that Christ was born? How many people believed him?

Jesus once told the people that they were blessed because they could see the truth that would make them free. We have the privilege of seeing what the birth of Christ is all about. We are blessed to know that Christmas is about the savior of world. We are privileged to know that wise men still seek Him! Take time to thank the Lord that the eyes of your understanding have been opened and that you know that Jesus is Lord.

So did Simeon simply depart in peace or did he have the opportunity to follow the progress of our Lord as he grew in favor with God and with men? Did he continually tell people that this was no ordinary child? Was he still around when the report of Jesus at the temple as a young boy was told? Did he tell people that it did not surprise him because the Spirit had revealed that this was the Christ?

Did he keep believing and confirming what the Spirit had revealed to him, or did he ever begin to doubt? Were there times when he asked the Lord if what he thought he knew was really true? Of course I do not know the answers to those questions, but I would like to think that he lived to see Jesus begin His earthly ministry. If he did not, then I would like to believe that he never wavered and that with his last breath he was telling people to remember what the Lord had revealed to him.

The important thing is that we like Simeon continue to believe and declare that we have seen God’s salvation. To hold fast the truth that Jesus is the light of the world and the blessed hope. There are many thoughts that people have about the future of the world and most of the picture that is painted is pretty grim. The good news is that we have God’s promise to never leave or forsake us.

Our confidence in what the Lord has promised will be a great encouragement to many. Fear not. Only believe. God is faithful. Tell the world!

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