He showed you these things so you would know that the Lord is God and there is no other. (Deut. 4:35)
There is no doubt that from time to time we wonder what God is doing, or why He is not doing; but in those times we would do well to consider what a wonder He is!
God is wonderful. He wants us to know that He is God. He wants us to know that there is no other. There is nothing that He would not do in order to convince you that He is God. He wants you to know Him like He knows you.
Scripture tells us that we see only in part now, so why don’t we go for as big of part as we can. Never stop seeking. Never stop praising. Never stop praying. Never stop expecting. Never stop receiving and never stop giving glory to God. He is worthy of our praise and adoration. Oh, come let us adore Him.
If we know the Lord; we adore the Lord. If we don’t adore the Lord, then we need to know Him until we do. Take the time to take inventory and see what the Lord has done in your life and for your life. He has done more than we know, we just need to look and see.
In the night recently as I was trying to get to sleep, I was scatter praying, but mostly praying to get to sleep! When I say I was scatter praying, I mean that I was touching on a lot of topics and people; anything I could think of that would get me back to sleep. Then the Lord simply said to be still and know that He is God!
I cannot really explain it, but it was a moment of paralysis. I felt like I was right between extreme life and being no more! It was amazing and scary in a strange sort of way. I could not speak. Maybe I could have, but it seemed like I could not. I was wonderfully terrible. It did not last long but it seemed like it did. Then it was over. I really do not know what it was about, but it was about a lot. Something happened! Yes, something happened! We can know part and believe part and watch for the rest. I am watching and seeing quite a lot since then.
The Bible tells us to ascribe glory to God. In other words, give Him credit where credit is due. He has made all things and He is worthy, so I am watching and giving Him glory. He has made something new. He renews us. He refreshes us when we don’t even know we need refreshing.
I keep a battery tender on my motorcycle to keep the battery fresh. Holy Spirit dwells in us to keep us fresh. I want my motorcycle to start and run. God wants us to keep running at all times. Remember, God is never doing nothing…He is always doing something. We had some visitors to our church who brought in a giant shofar. Talk about God doing something. When the brother blew it, a shift took place. Something happened. My wife said she wept. I felt like I left! No wonder the walls of Jericho fell. Since that day, a lot of things have happened locally and internationally. More than we know! Take time to consider the wonder of God. Lord, you are wonderful. Draw us ever closer to you. Create in us clean hearts and grant us willing spirits to sustain us. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.