I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from Him. (Psalm 62:1)
Waiting is not necessarily something we love to do. When we decide we want something, we prefer to have it now. We live in a “why wait world.” Charge it! Barge into it! You are worth it! Go for it!
These are not always wrong solutions, but they might be! There might be a better way! God has many suggestions and everything He suggests. Works. “Everything!” God has a perfect track record. I searched for wait in the Bible, and there is a long, long list of scriptures. They all have one thing in common; they always show promise and hope when we wait on the Lord.
You see, that is the key. Don’t wait on stuff. Wait on the Lord. Don’t wait for healing, deliverance, relief, or release; wait on the Lord. He is the source of all things, and He has promised not to disappoint us, but you say you have been disappointed; of course, you have. We all have. We have been disappointed in the results, but we have never been disappointed in the Lord.
When I traveled a lot before I knew the Lord, I did my best to make the travel happen. I drove fast. I ran fast through airports, I talked fast to ticket clerks, I pressed through yellow lights, and it often only ended in frustration. When I came to know the Lord, I found that my old ways were not so satisfying. I learned that as I trusted the Lord more, things worked better. I remember waiting for a visa once and everything around me was saying this will never work, but God was saying, “trust Me!” It worked. Oh, I could spend days speaking of the things He made work, but that one was big in my, “wait on God and let it go plan!”
When we learn to give the things to God and then wait on Him and allow Him to be our answer whenever the thing comes up; He fixes things! Recently in the night, the Lord said, “Take my yoke upon you.” As I considered that, I considered His words about taking up my cross and following Him. It hit me that I could not, and it was never intended that I should take up His cross. He alone could carry His cross and I am the only one that can carry my cross! You are the only one that can carry your cross. The cross can get heavy in the waiting, if we try and hold it up on our own.
So, as we wait, we wait yoked to Him. I have heard many stories of people who seem to think there is a badge of honor in struggling. I know for certain that we can grow in our struggles, but I certainly do not want to carry them around, nor do I want to encourage people to keep struggling! If we put too much emphasis on our struggles, the struggles become our god, and they are all we want to talk about. Those stories leave me waiting for the part of how great God is and how He delivered me out of all of them and they are gone. There needs to be a victory. There needs to be hope. Jesus is our blessed hope.
I recently ran into a wall of weakness. I was fine and then I was not. I said what I believe. Every time I reached for strength; a roar came out of me. It alarmed my bride and son, but it always felt good. In a few hours, the Lord completed the victory. No matter what, the Lord is worth the wait!