The Lord watches over His followers, those who wait for Him to show His faithful love. (Psalm 33:18 ERV)
Lately I have been encouraged by the Lord to consider what He has done in my life. I cannot begin to list all He has done or thank Him for it, because I really do not know all that He has done! He is too amazing! Then as I was telling Him that I did not know all that He had done, He said, “And I am not done yet; just wait.”
Waiting can be pretty difficult at times, especially when it is something we are asking for, but when we do not really know what we are waiting for, well there are things that we can consider. What can God do? What might He do? These are exciting things to consider when we know what God says.
In this psalm He covers just about every concern or desire we may have. If we wonder about the nations, verse 10 tells us He can spoil their plans. Obviously these would be plans that are not His plans, so we need not worry.
He tells us that His decisions are good. When He speaks things happen. Great blessings belong to those who have the Lord as their God. With these thoughts in mind, we can consider with hope just what the Lord can do, and what He might do.
What has the Lord done for you? It is good for us to consider His works in our own lives. You may think that His works in life have not been as dramatic as they have been in others. When Paul was talking to the people he was living evidence of a pretty dramatic turn around. Some liked it. Some did not. He spoke of it giving glory to God and encouraging everyone to glorify God for what He has done.
God made the world. That is something to praise Him for. I never really gave that much thought until I actually came to know Him. Now it amazes more and more and it is a good place to start if I am going to consider what God can do!
Too often, we are inclined to think more about the impossibilities than we are about the possibilities of things. We get tricked into considering the delusions of the enemy rather than the promises that God has made.
When I was first saved, God told me lots of things, but He never really said why He told me. I have never been one to ask Him what is up. It may be because I don’t want to know more than I need to know. Because of this I am pretty content to take things as they come. This has left me free to see what God does and be amazed often at the way He works things out.
Worry is a lot of work. Fear wears a person out. Trust works out. What can God do?