God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him (Matthew 5:3 NLT)
I would say the greatest thing we can do is realize our need for God. Out of our need for God flow the treasures of His kingdom. Whatever we need can be found in first looking to Him and realizing that He is our source.
The verse of the day in my bible app reminded me that God is always present to help in our troubles. If we wait to look for God only in our troubles, we probably will not have a whole bunch of faith when we look. I am glad that I can count on God in troubled times, but I find that even the troubled times are not so troubling if keep my focus on Him all the time.
So, what can we do? Well we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. It is not a cliche, it is the truth. When He is our source, His word becomes a guide not just something we read. His word becomes our example of how to live and how to respond in good times and in bad.
When Jesus heard of the death of His cousin John, he tried to get away by himself for a bit. I wondered if He did not have a time of wondering why God did not let Him stop it or what he would have done if only he had been there. He did not have much time to ponder that because the crowds came. His response was to destroy the works of the devil. He healed everyone. Then He fed everyone. A little later he walked on the water to the disciples in the boat and invited Peter to walk on the water too.
When Peter started to sink Jesus picked him up and taught us all a lesson about faith. One thing we do not want to do is doubt. The response of the disciples was to acknowledge that he truly was the son of God. It was life changing. Every moment with God is life changing if we will only remain in him and respond to him.
He told us clearly that we could do nothing without Him. The natural response of course is that we cannot expect God to do everything. Of course we do things, but when we do them with Him it is so much better. Even walking through the valley of death we fear no evil when He is with us. We should not wait till then to figure it out we should live our lives in Him.
If He has everything we need, then our only real need is Him. What a thrill it is when we realize this. Each and every time we discover this, it is brand new. Each time is a new revelation of the greatness of God. Each time we draw nearer and each time we love Him more.
Whether we say “Lord Help my unbelief,” or “Lord Show me,” or any of multitude of cries; it is the calling out to Him that will satisfy our soul and open the door to the wonders of His love.