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Yes it is God who is working in you. He helps you want to do what pleases Him, and He gives you the power to do it. (Philippians 2:13 ERV)

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Well to those of us who believe God, the chicken had to come first. To those who prefer not to believe God, it is probably somewhat of a trick question! To be honest with you, I have considered this question more in the last few hours than I ever did before. The reason being that recently in the night, God gave me two words; manifestation and realization.

These words came to me as I realized some things in my life that God was involved in long before I knew that God was involved in my life. The realization of these things blessed my heart and as I spoke to God of them, He simply said those two words. For two days I considered what He was telling me. The major conclusion I came to was that the things manifested long before I realized them. Much like faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen I began to see that waiting to realize the manifestation often is where we lose what God has already done.

For instance, did your salvation manifest before or after you realized it. The simple answer is that it manifested long before you even knew it existed. It simply became a reality when you realized and received it. The truth is that it was a reality all along!

If you are deep in a cave in total darkness you may wonder if there really is light out there. Of course, you know it was there when you went in, and you expect it be there when you go back out. We can be just as sure of the promises of God as we can of the light outside the cave. His promises manifest before we ever realize them.

Because of faith, we can expect the manifestation. Just as surely as common sense tells us the chicken had to come first so will trust in God tell us that what God has promised has substance long before we actually have the realization of the manifestation.

Another clarification might be to ask the question concerning when healing takes place. Does healing take place when we realize it or did it take place by His stripes? Natural sense says I will believe it when I see it. God helps us see that it manifested already and by faith we will be made whole.

Well, you may say, if it manifested already, why don’t we always realize it? Personally, I really do not know! There is a lot that I do not know and God has a answer for that. If I lack wisdom I can ask. Again, does the wisdom manifest when I realize it or was it there all along? Does Google figure out your answers when you put in the request, or are all the answers already there? My conclusion is that the manifestation of the promise of God existed long before I realized it. He has things ready before we know we need them. Trust in the Lord. Wait upon Him and He will bring it to pass. Don’t let it pass you by!

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