And the one who sent me is with me--"He has not deserted me. For I always do what pleases Him. (John 8:29 NLT)
I have been thinking about what went on in the garden between Jesus and our Father. I am wondering if God spoke then or just listened. In this scripture Jesus knew that God never deserted Him. He knew that He always pleased Him. Now in the garden Jesus was hurting and ultimately said He would do what they had agreed was the best plan.
I have often thought that God never really forsook Jesus, but why would Jesus say that if it were not true? So I wonder if Jesus saw that coming. Did God tell Jesus that part or did it come as a surprise? When Abraham took Isaac to offer him up as a sacrifice, Abraham never mentioned how it was going to go until it was happening. I guess I am thinking that in the garden it was one of those prayers were Jesus was working things out in His head and God was letting Him do it by faith. Jesus was confident in God and that was how it was going to have to be.
On the cross when the sins were being downloaded, I think Jesus realized a feeling He had never felt before. He was bearing all of our sins on His own. Oh what a burden, no wonder He cried out. How could God desert Him at the very worst time of all? Still, He held on. He committed His spirit into His Father’s hands and completed the mission. How hard was that for both the father and the son?
It is for this very reason that we can be certain that Jesus will never leave or forsake us. Have you ever been so sick that you would never wish that on anyone? Jesus knows what it is like. He knows our pain and suffering. He also knows the way to overcome and gain the victory.
Sometimes when I pray, I pray my way into greater understanding and I know that the understanding could only come from Him. Sometimes I become more confused and I know it is most certainly time for me to stop and listen, because He is not the author of confusion. No matter what, I am always confident that the time I spent with Him was beneficial. That is a bit of an understatement of course, but at the same time it is of the utmost importance that we understand that time with God is the key to all life.
I have no need to understand everything, but I have a huge need to understand that He does understand everything. That very confidence is what I believe strengthened Jesus in the garden. God deserted Jesus so that we would never have to be deserted or know the emptiness that Jesus experienced. Without Him we are empty, and He came so we could be full. Fill up on the goodness of God. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. Oh how He loves you.