Our faces are not covered. We show the Lords glory, and we are being changed to be like Him. This change in us brings more and more glory, which comes from the Lord... (2 Cor.3:18)
This was the first question that came to mind as I read this passage of scripture. “What do I reveal?” According to God’s word I am being changed to be like Him and I am showing His glory. If He says so, then it is true. I simply need to make sure that I am going along with His plan. Most certainly, when I am in Him I am revealing His glory, but what about the times I hesitate or resist? What about the times that I choose my way instead of His way?
Fortunately, He is faithful to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness, but even then I must commit myself to ceasing in my rebellion. Remember, we talked about the fog we can find ourselves in. We were living in the fog before we ever came to know Jesus. That fog was one that helped us to see only what we wanted to see and enabled to us to convince ourselves that we were right in what we were doing, even though there was that feeling inside us that often questioned just how right we were.
Then we saw Jesus and the fog lifted and we could see clearly that He was the only way to salvation and life everlasting. Unfortunately, there are still areas where there is fog. There are areas that we prefer to pretend are foggy. There are things that God speaks to us from His word, or from a message, or from life experiences that we do not want to face so we release fog into the atmosphere pretending that we just do not understand! We determine to put off till a later time what we really know the Lord is leading us to.
Paul wrote about the times when we should know better, but kept preferring baby food. That of course is my paraphrase, but it puts it into words we really cannot ignore. Psalm 119:162 says, “Your word makes me happy like someone who has found a great treasure.” The key to life is in being happy with God’s word even when it strips us naked and reveals with clarity what we have been trying to veil.
Moses put on a veil so the people would not see that the glory was fading. Why do we resist the glory? Maybe we just do not expect the glory. If we did, we would quickly turn to the Son and do whatever the word of God is prompting us to do. We would happily go into his presence. We would rejoice at the smallest word or leading that God gives us. We would be glory seekers. Not our own glory of course, but the glory of the Lord.
The truth is that our faces are not covered. That cover was taken away when we chose to follow the Lord. So now, what are we revealing? What do we want to reveal? What do we want to experience? On a clear day, we can see forever. Lord, grant us clarity. Show us your glory!