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When Jesus saw him and He knew he had been ill for a long time, He asked him, "Would you like to get well?" (John 5:6 NLT)

In other translations, Jesus asks the man if he would like to be made whole. Jesus also often tells people that their faith has made them whole, or only believe and you will be made whole. So we have these directions from Jesus; what do we expect.
Have you ever found yourself with holes in your wholeness? I have. I find holes in my confidence which of course is from holes in my faith. I hear things and respond without thinking. I say things that will never produce what I really need. As a result, a small hole in my wholeness is turned into gaping canyon that should never have been in the first place.
Holy Spirit reminds me at time like these that the nail holes in Jesus are there to plug the holes in my wholeness. He is the remedy for my lack. So, do I expect Him to be the remedy? It seems to me that my wholeness is very closely bound to what I expect.
What do I expect to receive from Jesus? How relevant are His words for my life. As we approach the celebration of His death and resurrection, what does it mean for our future? I was not there when they crucified my Lord and yet God managed to get my sins there so that when I go to Jesus I can expect to be forgiven simply because He said He would forgive me.
If I give Him my cares, I can expect Him to take them because He said He would. There are a lot of purely spiritual things that we do expect God to take care of. Of course we do not always leave our cares with Him and we often sin again, but we sort of expect Him to take care of that and ultimately take us to heaven. The truth is we do not really think of that all that often. Most of us do not wake up in the morning thinking about going to heaven.
We could wake up thankful that the Kingdom of heaven is here for us now. We could expect God to do what He says He will do. We could believe that when Jesus said that He came to give us an abundant satisfying life that He will do what He said.
The goodness of God has not limits. The more we understand that, the more we can experience that. I believe that is why we are told to get understanding. The more we understand what He has promised, the more we will expect the promised results. Most people do not use punch card computers anymore, nor are we satisfied if our phones do not perform the way they should. Why, because we expect more. Our expectations could never get beyond God’s revelations. If He can forgive our sins; He can surely supply our needs and make us whole.
If you, like me, find holes in your wholeness; Jesus has a quick fix. Only believe, and you will be made whole.

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