God did this so that His kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to the come the amazing richness of His grace. (Ephesians 2:7 ERV)
God is good! God is kind! God is everything He says He is and we can expect Him to be faithful even when we are not because that is what He says about Himself. This makes perfect sense, but what do we expect.
When we have talked about peace and the power of peace and the peace God has promised; is that what we expect? Is that what we declare? If someone is listening to us or watching us, is that what they see? We have to ask ourselves if we are truly confident in these things and if we are, then these are the things we should say and show.
Holy Spirit help us to search our hearts and show us how to best project the truth that you show us. This verse in Ephesians explains why God saved us and why He saves those who will believe in His Son Jesus Christ.
He wanted His kindness to us who belong to Christ to show everyone everywhere forever the amazing richness of His grace. In other words, He planned to be extremely kind, generous, loving, and protective of all His children and He expected that this would impress others and give them the desire to join in.
So, what do you expect? Do you expect God to treat you differently than others? If so, do you say as much? I don’t mean this in some arrogant manner, but do you simply state the good things you expect or do you agree that you will suffer the same things as everyone else in every situation. For instance, a lot of people are declaring the demise of the world in one way or another; do you expect God to cover you or throw you in the pot with everyone else. We need to realize that what we say and expect affects the outcome. Remember, we are to say to the mountain, “be removed”. Too often, if we do not expect the kindness of God, we may find that we simply cower at the mountain forgetting what the Lord has promised.
It just seems to me that if God wants His kindness to show His true nature and what He has to offer, then we should expect His kindness to do just that.
I really do not think much of the world or even the body of Christ for that matter really has a firm grasp on the kindness of God. I am certainly not claiming to know it all, but the thought challenges me enough know more.
If we do know it, then that is what we should be saying and showing. We should be declaring that God has solutions and that nothing is impossible for Him. We should be showing and giving an answer for the hope that is in us. This will benefit us as well as those who hear and see His kindness manifesting to and thru our lives. Expect it!