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And we have received God's Spirit (not the world's spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. (1 Corinthians 2:12 NLT)

I think it is pretty safe to say that we often operate in life on things we think we know or hope we know. We choose a side and think it is right or at least hope so. We often do this without necessarily knowing or even caring that much about facts. The current political race would be a perfect example of this. For the most part, we can be pretty sure that we do not know all the facts much less the truth; still we try to make a decision.
God, on the other hand has given us all we need to know the wonderful things He has freely given us. I find it interesting that we will question Him more than we do the things of this world. We will doubt Him and move on in a brief moment, but spend hours and days considering things of much less importance, unless of course we have placed God at the top of our importance list!
Once we put God where He really belongs in our life, He is the only one that matters. His opinion is the only one that matters. Paul wrote that he did not really worry about pleasing people. He just wanted to please God, and he did not even judge himself as to whether or not he had done that; he was leaving that to God to. There is real freedom in that. However, Paul was able to say that because He knew that he was doing everything to the best of his ability with God at the top of his considerations.
The main thing we have been considering recently is God’s love for us. How important is it to be confident of that love? How much do we consider His great love? How important is His love to us? How important is it for us to establish ourselves in His love? What are the benefits of His love?
When the Bible tells us that His love is so great that we can never really know it all, God is not suggesting that we just give up on it, but rather He is encouraging us to get a shovel to dig deeper into it. We can then determine what size shovel to use. Personally, I want one of those land scrapers so I can move deeper faster.
We are funny people. We want all the facts about the obvious but we are willing go on a whim about other things. What a difference it makes when we decide to simply trust that God knows what He is talking about. I recently read a post by a person saying that he had once been a believer in God until he (woke up) and began to question what He believed. Sorry, but I do not call that waking up. I call that falling into deception. You see, the moment you are willing to question God, the enemy is more than happy to feed those doubts. Even then, there is good news. God does not stop loving. You can be sure of that! Yes, you can know that for sure!

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