Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following said to them, "What do you seek?"(John 1:38)
God tells us that when we seek Him with all our heart we will find Him. Jesus asked these two men a question that we should all consider on a regular basis. What do we seek?
I like miracles because they are a manifestation of the power of God, but I love God. There is a danger involved in seeking the things of God rather than the God of the things. It is very fitting that we desire the things of God, but not more than we desire God Himself.
No matter what God provides, it only lasts for a season. If what He gives is our focus, then when the season is over what do we have? For instance, healing only lasts until the next time we need it. If our faith is based on the healing; then what? On the other hand, if the healing increases our faith in God, we have something that lasts forever.
What if you need finances and your confidence in God is based on the finances. If the finances run out, you have nothing. However, if you seek God and desire what He can provide, your focus is on the provider and running out or running over, God is still your source and He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory. He says so!
This may just sound like I am playing with words, but I know by the Holy Spirit that the attitude and focus with which we seek what we seek, plays a large role in the success or failure of our walk with God.
Jesus performed miracles for the Glory of God and to prove that God sent Him. He used miracles to change the way people thought. Have you ever thought about how Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. I wonder if she had a good attitude concerning Jesus. After all, her son-in-law left his job and his family to take off following the man. I wonder if the touch of Jesus changed more than her fever! I wonder if her friends saw a change in her attitude and what she had to say after that day.
Jesus once told the religious folks that if they would not believe what He said to at least believe in Him because of the works. The point was their need to believe in Him. Again, when we seek Him, we will find Him.
He is I am. So when we seek Him, for Who He is, what He has is okay, but not nearly as wonderful as He is. Wise people seek Him! What do you seek?