May God grant your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans. (Psalm 20:4 NLT)
What is your initial to response this verse of scripture? Do you immediately think, “Yes and amen,” or “I doubt it?” Do you think of all the wonderful things He has done for you, or do you think of the prayers that seemed to have landed on deaf ears?
Often times we see scriptures like this as fantasies or things that only other people experience. While we certainly want lots from God, we seldom expect much. Because we do not expect much, we don’t see much, and since we do not see much, we expect even less. It is a bit of a vicious circle. If we do not change that kind of thinking, we ultimately end up doubting that God will ever do anything for us, so what good is He?
So what should we do? What can we do? The first thing we need to do is take the locks off of God’s word. Rather than viewing these things as locked doors, we need to see them as keys to the Kingdom of God.
I see this as God wanting to grant my hearts desire. Often times we will limit God by rationalizing that the only way God will grant our desire is if we desire what He wants us to desire. Well, would it be so impossible for our desires to have been put there by God? Suppose God gave you a desire to prosper! It amazes me that so many Jesus loving people actually think it would be some sort of a sin to be prosperous. How else will the Kingdom of God be advanced if His people do not have the means to advance it.
Why can we believe that God would want people to be missionaries, but not believe He would want them to have all that they need in order to do it? I really believe that it is God’s desire to grant our desires. I also believe that if our desires are outside of what is best, He is able to let us know when we may be off target. The Holy Spirit can get our attention and give us the wisdom we need to fine-tune our desires. But if we never see God as the one who fulfills our desires we won’t bring them to Him. I know there have been times when God filled the desires of a person’s heart without them even asking in hopes they would give Him glory. Truly, God is on our side even when we are far from Him.
We need to learn to respond in the affirmative to every Word of God. If it corrects us, then let’s be corrected. If it directs us, then let’s be directed. When it promises us, let’s receive the promise. He promised to save us, and most agree that He keeps that promise. Why wouldn’t He keep all of the other promises?
Shake off those garments of doubt and unbelief and respond to every Word of God the way God intended us to. He wrote us a love letter promising to never fail, leave, nor forsake us. No doubt some are thinking even now that you can remember times when He did all of that and more. The truth is that He did more than you could imagine, you just missed it. We all have, because we never really expected Him to act. Let’s change that!