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If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think He will do for you? (Matthew 6:30 ERV)

Have you ever misjudged someone? If so, what were the consequences? Did you miss or delay a friendship opportunity or a business opportunity? Did you interfere with someone else having those opportunities because you went so far as to spread your misjudgment? More than likely we have all missed the mark at some time in our lives and paid the price whatever it was for that misjudgment. That said, for today we want to consider a far more important judgment.

How do you Judge God? Do you judge Him as faithful? What do you think He will do for you? Do you think your judgment of God’s character has any affect on what God will do for you?

When Jesus would say things like, “Be it done unto you according to your faith;” wasn’t that sort of like saying what you see is what you’ll get! It is so important that we see God for who He is. We really must not misjudge His character.

Unfortunately we are probably all guilty of doing just that at some level. We judge Him as too busy for us or unconcerned about small things, or so far removed from our personal lives because He is busy with the universe. That is just not a fair judgment.

Jesus told us that when we prayed we should begin by calling God father. The Holy Spirit takes us deeper into calling Him daddy. I was thinking of how many times in my life I prayed that prayer and never gave any thought to the idea of God being that up close and personal concerning me. In fact today this simple thought has been highlighted to me by the Holy Spirit in a way that I really cannot explain except to say that as always with God, there is a deeper place that I can and must go in this truth.

Take every circumstance, every opportunity, every set back, advancement, sickness, and etc. and ask yourself what you think God will do for you. Consider what you would do for your children and then consider that Jesus said, “If you being evil would do good things for your children, how much more will your Father in heaven do for you.

Have you misjudged God? Have you misrepresented His character to others by word or deed? Take some time to consider His true character and His true feelings concerning you. I would not want my children doubting me or telling others that I am not trustworthy or selfish. I would not want them telling people I was too busy to help them or that I did not care about even the smallest things in their lives. “God forgive me for the times I have done this very thing to You. Holy Spirit, help me to never do this again.”

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