And He said to them, "What do you want me to do for you?"(Mark 10:36 NKJ)
Wow! This was a gutsy move on the part of James and John. Can you imagine walking up to Jesus and telling Him that you want Him to do whatever you ask? I will be honest and say that I want to get to that place in my relationship with the Lord. My problem is; whenever Jesus asks me what I want Him to do it sort of stops me cold. It is one thing to pray and tell Him how I love Him and have Him tell me how He loves me. That is comfortable. But there is something about the King of Kings asking me what I want that, well, puts me into a state of not knowing what to say.
James and John thought they knew what they wanted, but Jesus let them know that they had no idea what they were asking for. It seems that they were looking for a place or position; they lost sight of how fortunate they were to simply be with Jesus. They did not realize that standing with Jesus put them in the only position that really matters.
Looking at all that is going on in the body of Christ right now, I think that Jesus is asking us all what we want. Do we want a mighty move of God like those going on particularly in Lakeland right now or are we afraid of too much God? Are we prepared for that in our lives and in our churches? Or do we just want to have a rush now and then and stay right where we are in our faith.
Jesus once asked a blind man what he wanted. That sounds like a strange question, but think about it. For this man to begin seeing was going to radically change his life. Jesus wanted him to have the opportunity to make that call.
Life with Jesus is a series of life changing appointments. Our first comes with meeting Him and receiving Him as Lord. After that each day is filled with opportunities to grow in His grace and knowledge. It seems to me that we are at a very blessed intersection right now.
If we choose to just sit at the stop signs, it would be like a blind man preferring a piece of bread over his sight. He would pass up his future for a momentary satisfaction. Jesus came to satisfy us with long life and show us His salvation.
God is giving us a glimpse of what He is prepared to do. Do we want it? Do we want it in our homes? Do we want it in our churches? Do we want it in our towns and cities? I doubt that we want it as much as God wants to deliver it. It is never easy to step into an unknown realm, but in this case we can certainly trust the Lord for the very best when we say yes. I am not really sure what He has in mind. I think at this point we are only seeing a glimpse and it is amazing! And I believe He is asking, “Do you want it, what ever it is?” Seems to me like yes is the only logical answer.