The one thing I ask of the Lord--the one thing I seek most... (Psalm 27:4a)
To be honest, I can see why those who do not believe in God might consider His Word to be full of contradictions, partly truth and partly fiction, but those who know God; know better. When we consider faith with works and without works and the fact that we do not achieve a level with God, but rather we receive from God; or we die to live or give in order to receive; without faith and trust in God it can seem a bit like a fairytale.
In the end, I really believe it all boils down to what we desire. We all know that we work harder for the things that we desire. People save for the things they desire. The first thing we do when we have time is the thing we desire. Sometimes those are very selfish desires. At times people will rob one thing to gain another thing. A gambler may lose the family grocery money in order to meet the desire to gamble. Yes there are a lot of perverted desires and the source of all of those desires comes from the displacement of the true desires that God has sown in our hearts. True contentment comes only from the fulfillment of our hearts desire for God.
God is able to keep all that we commit to Him. We commit to the things we desire. Desire is what keeps us committed to God. There is an all out war waged against every believer with the goal being to diminish our desire for God.
The enemy puts every obstacle he can in our way in an attempt change our focus to the obstacle rather than the solution. He knows that as long as our focus is distracted we are more susceptible to attack. We become weak and forget that our desire must be focused on God and what He can do and how we can do all things through Him. As we weaken, we begin to question God, our faith, and if in fact it all really works. This leads us to begin to try and do things in our strength which in turns sends us into a free fall tumbling down the hill into despair.
Everyone who has ever desired God has experienced this. The key is to recognize it quickly and get out of it. It is evil and it leads to evil thinking and evil acting and speaking. Even in the natural, you hear people warn to be careful what you ask for or in other words be careful what you desire. God has promised us the desires of our hearts and has also pointed out that what flows out of our mouths is what is really in our hearts. That is a scary thought!
If we remain steadfast in our desire for God, then the things of God will continue to be our focus. Our vision will be such that we recognize quickly an obstruction to that focus and this will maintain us and even cause us to gain in our quest for more of God. God has more than enough power to meet our every desire and if we will keep Him as our greatest desire all the other things will catch up with us and overtake us.
The sweet thing about that is that all the other things are fine, but God is divine. This is what made David a man after God’s own heart. David messed up often and sinned against God, but his one greatest desire was to dwell in God’s presence. If we will maintain this same desire, we too will behold and declare the goodness of God and show the world just how true He is.