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For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. (Hebrews 10:14NLT)

Do you ever think about what God sees? He sees everything. I do not know how, I just know He does, because He says so. I recently saw a set of pictures of all that we have been able to take pictures of; creation from as high as we have sent cameras. There is a lot to see from God’s perspective. It is really more that anyone can comprehend.
Before I came to know God, the only thing I thought about God seeing was that He saw all the things I did and heard all the things I said and I was not comforted by that idea, and since it did not comfort me I avoiding thinking about such things all together.
Something changes when we understand that He sees us perfect. He sees us as we can be and not as we are. He sees us as He created us to be and is working patiently to bring us to our full potential.
God is like a father to who sees and plans success for his children. He is like a coach who sees someone running fast and imagines them catching a football at high speed. They may have never played the game of football, but that can be changed.
It is not like God overlooks our sins; it is just that He can see us without them. He basically assures us that we can be free because Jesus set us free and Holy Spirit has come to empower us to walk in that freedom.
How often have you heard someone pick up a baby or look at a picture of a baby and exclaim how perfect that baby is? God says this very thing about you and me.
God sees us perfect while we are in the process of being made holy. Holiness is being set apart for God. We all have work that is being done in our holiness category, but Jesus has made us perfect forever.
It is much easier to move into the holy part if we realize that Jesus made us perfect. Because He has made us perfect, our hearts desire to finish the course. God is able to see the finished product.
I have heard it said that artists, or sculptors, or architects, see the thing before they start. Well, God gave them their gifts, and He sees us perfect as He makes us holy. That is what God sees. So be encouraged and follow your heart that longs to please God in every way. Your desire pleases Him. He sees your potential far beyond what you have ever imagined. We can all take great comfort in that.

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