When the helper comes, He will show the people of the world how wrong they are about sin, about being right with God, and about judgment. (John 16:8 ERV)
So here is the question. What Happened? Something had to happen or nothing has happened and we all need it to happen. Everyone who knows what happened will understand this without a problem. If you read this and do not know what happened, then it could be your day for a happening!
What am I talking about? I am talking about when the Holy Spirit taught you and you responded. To anyone who thinks that they were born right with God; sorry it just is not that way. If you think being baptized or dedicated as a child sealed the deal; sorry that just won’t suffice. We were all born in the image of God with something in us that can never be satisfied without God. Something has to happen for all of that to kick in.
It does not have to be a dramatic moment but it could be. In truth, it is a dramatic moment when we are made alive in Christ. You don’t have to be a big time sinner, although we all are, some are just more obvious than others.
I have heard missionaries who realized one day that just because they were a missionaries child; that was not what would save them. Oh the joy of sins forgiven! We all need to be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! We all have the opportunity and the Holy Spirit is continually bringing us to a place to begin and then to continue in the life with God.
Long ago, God gave me song that said, “For a long time I waited, thinking that He’d come to me. I wasn’t excited, I decided, what would be would be. Then for some unknown reason by chance I took the first step. That’s all that He needed He entered my heart as I slept. Now it happened to me and I hope to you too, if not just give Him a call…well, that is what happened. I called upon the name of the Lord.
So if you are thinking you don’t know that anything happened. Or if you are thinking this is a little crazy. Take a crazy chance and make it happen. Call on God. I know that many of you reading this are remembering many times when things happened. Some, like me, can remember many opportunities that were passed up before it happened. Others may be like the religious leaders of Jesus day thinking that Jesus is not who He says He is. Please, make something a happen. Give Him a call. He will prove Himself to you.
We are in times when abominations are taking place in capital of our nation. People who hate Christians are invited to take over our National Cathedral and that is just crazy. If that does not disgust you, it may be that nothing has happened or it may be an opportunity for more to happen. The bottom line is that when the Holy Spirit comes, things happen. We cannot ignore Him and we must take every opportunity to follow His lead. Right now He is giving you and me an opportunity for a happening. So, what is happening! Is it happening? Lord, make it so!