"For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:20 NKJ)
Have you seen that the Lord is good? Have you seen Him as your healer? Have you seen Him as God of all creation? These may seem like foolish questions, but your answers to these questions are the foundation that your faith is built upon. How we personally see God is how we will speak of God. The disciples had witnessed the Word of God in action. They had the privilege of seeing what they heard spoken, happen. Because of this, they could not imagine being quiet about the greatness of God.
Have you ever seen something happen that you did not think could happen? Even though you may have hoped it could your mind just could not think on those terms. Let me tell you that I believe that my “believer” has the ability to over ride my “thinker,” and yours does to.
How many times have you seen something in the word of God and thought yourself right out of putting it to work? I think that our own thinking manages to rob us of what God is trying to get to us way too often. Every time we catch ourselves thinking that something is impossible we need to cover that thought with what Jesus said. Jesus said, “all things are possible with God.” Have we seen God this way?
Have you seen God heal, or have you just heard that He could and might if He wants to? We will not see Him heal if we do not believe and speak of Him as healer. Even when miracles take place, some people refuse to see it as something God has done. How sad that people would rather believe in a fluke than a miracle working God.
This is also true when it comes to all of the other names and attributes of God. I am certain God protected me numerous times even before I knew Him. In all of that time I did not see Him or know Him as a protector so I never spoke of Him that way. Now when I look back I am so certain that it had to be Him that I cannot help but share of His goodness.
Think about the times in your life when you escaped injury, or received something you really needed just when you needed it. Think about times when you have felt peace in the midst of the storm. Think of times when you have been comforted. As you consider these things, can you begin to see that God has been moving in and around your life in wonderful ways that you just did not see? Speak to yourself about these things. Speak to God about these things. And when you have settled them in your heart, you will be ready to speak to others about how good God really has been to you.
Not only will you speak about what you have seen and heard, you will develop confidence for what is to come. You will begin to speak of things that are not as though they already existed because you see God and believe every Word He says.