I praise God for what He has promised;Yes, I praise the Lord for what He has promised. (Psalm 56:10)
We all intend to keep our promises, don’t we? If we promise something to someone we want them to trust us, don’t we? In fact if they say something like, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” we would not like it.
Well, as I have pondered this scripture concerning what the Lord has promised, I have become more and more aware of just how simple and yet profound this statement is. To doubt what God has promised, is the same as doubting His integrity. Scripture tells that we must believe that God is! He is who He says He is and He is true to His Word. So no matter what it may look like, we can and should praise God for what He has promised. We should not throw in the towel at the first indication that the thing we have prayed about is not going to happen. We should not measure things by what we or others may have experienced in the past; we must always measure it simply by what God has promised.
Recently God told me that His promises are like a basket of commodities. Let me briefly explain. In the trading world, a person can purchase a contract on any of a number of commodities. They purchase these based on the direction they feel that the market will go. The contract requires an amount of money referred to as margin in order to hold the contract. If the contract goes against you, you may be required to add more money to the account. The individual decides whether to hold on or get out. There is always a disclaimer in trading accounts warning that there is a great risk of loss. Another trading vehicle is called an option. With options you purchase the option to buy the contract. It limits the amount you can lose to the amount you paid on options you purchased, but not on options that you sold to someone else. Again, the person involved has the option of exercising the option or not. They say that 75% of all options expire worthless, so it is important to exercise them correctly.
Here is the deal. God’s promises are real. He manages His basket perfectly with guaranteed returns. He has given everyone a measure (margin) of faith, so when it appears that things are not going as He has promised, we just add to the account. We trust God more, not less. We declare His faithfulness more, not less. We refuse to give up our position based on His promise!
When we choose Jesus, we receive an open account with no limits. He secured our option to acquire all of His promises. There is no reason that we should allow those options to expire without value. The problem is, we have been deceived into putting very little value on them. Many people in the trading world use options as a hedge just to protect them from losses on the things they put more value on. I think sometimes that Christians do that too. We see God as a hedge against hell, but not as the most important value in our lives. We have the option to change that at any time and to enter into the true value of our relationship with Him.
How do you view what God has promised? Are they valuable to you? Are you exercising your options or just using God as a hedge? Isn’t it time you enjoyed His exponential returns? Praise Him and you will!