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Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end...the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. (Isaiah 9:7 NKJV)

We all know that the Word of God is full of promises, declarations, solutions, and warnings; and of course we believe them! Or do we? How we handle the Word of Truth determines the direction of the flow of the Kingdom of God is our lives. In other words, we must stand for what He says.

God has something to say about everything. There is always something God can do. There is always an example of what He has already done. There is always a promise that we can apply in our lives if we will always consider what He says.

If you have spent any time seeking the Lord, you know that He really does have a lot to say! When you pray He hears you and He talks back. When you read His word He speaks to you. The Holy Spirit is always ready to illuminate the scriptures and to guide us moment by moment if we will allow Him to do His job. However, it is up to us to make the decision to choose what He says over everything else.

This requires us to stand up straight on our faith feet and walk and refuse to sit down. It may appear that some circumstances are impossible but He says, “All things are possible with God.” You may feel that you are defeated, but He says we can thank Him because He always leads us in triumph in Christ Jesus! In Isaiah 14 verse two, God told them that they would rule over those who oppressed them. It looked pretty impossible at the time, but they ended up doing just that! If the Lord says it, then that is it.

Our nation is facing a time of turmoil and unrest. All the people are getting stirred up but I believe that God’s people need to be the most stirred up of all so that we can guide people into the truth. 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 15 speaks of the grace of God spreading and causing thanksgiving to abound, bringing glory to God. We must be full and flowing in the grace and power and glory of God. For it is the increase of His government that is endless and not a government made or controlled by man.

So no matter what, we have the perfect response. When we know the answer, we can simply say what He says. If we do not know, we can ask, “What does God say?” We can refuse to move until we know and we can be sure that He will tell or show us the way to go. Hey, we may get pressed, but we refuse to be crushed. There will be times when we are perplexed, but confident enough not to despair. Even if we are persecuted, we know God never forsakes us. And even if we get knocked down, we cannot be destroyed. We will rise again. (2 Corinthians 4:8 & 9) It is what He says!

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