And they remembered His words...(Luke 24:8 KJV)
What a day this is to celebrate the Life that is in Christ Jesus! Of course every day is a day to do that and one day that will be known by everyone and done by everyone, including those of us who do know but still don’t always do it. Perhaps you are one who never misses the mark of the high call of God, and if so, I pray the Lord gives you lots of patience with the rest of us.
As a child, I remember Easter as a time of a new suit or a new pair of shoes, candy and eggs, a big family dinner, and extra church services. To my way of thinking the church services were a bit of an inconvenience with all the other good things going on but that was because my perspective was a bit messed up! Now of course, I need patience to deal with all of the other stuff that distracts from what is really important. This day of celebrating the resurrection of our Lord is a good day to contemplate what we see as most important.
As I considered Christ and this day in prayer, the question came to my mind; “What if?” What if the disciples had remembered Jesus words as the whole scene unfolded? What if they had marched along the road and up to the cross with confidence, knowing that things were going according to what Jesus had said? What if after He was placed in the tomb they had waited there instead of in fear in a room somewhere?
No trial is easy. I cannot imagine the anguish of watching one that I love being nailed to the cross. Let’s face it, it is not easy to watch people struggle as they resist God let alone seeing someone suffer who has done nothing wrong at all. Still, Jesus told them very plainly what was going to happen. It was and is just one more reason that we should believe every word that God has said. It is one more reason why we should be full of His word so that we can be confident that God is in control. Instead of hiding in a room, Jesus followers could have been celebrating in expectation of the miracle.
Now it is easy to look at the disciples and say that they should have known better. After all, they had traveled with Jesus and seen His miracles first hand! However, we actually have more truth available to us than they did, and we still fail to believe. What if we would always remember what Jesus said? What if we would consider it all joy when we face various trials? What if we always expected the miracles of the Kingdom of God? What if we really believed God in every circumstance? What if the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts lined up with God’s plans? Try to imagine that!
If we would do that, we would see death turned to life. We would see darkness turn to light. We would see weeping turned to laughter, and despair turned to dancing. What if we would on this Resurrection Day, step into the life that we celebrate like we have never stepped in before? What if? Wow! That is something to imagine!