For this is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and He will be our guide until we die. (Psalm 48:14 NLT)
What is God like to you? How do you perceive Him? What do you expect from a relationship with Him? We are referred to as His children and also as the bride of Christ. Both of these would imply a relationship. Recently we represented God as a responsible parent. We certainly should never see him as a dead beat dad! And yet some see Him from that perspective. Some even try to convince us that He is non existent. If He is non existent, then we are all test tube babies. Not! God is, and He is a rewarder of all who diligently seek Him.
God is not an abuser either. The perception of some is that God is simply out looking for the bad things people do, ready to punish without warning. This is obviously not what God is like. If He were truly like that, He would have wrapped up this show a long time ago. No God is patient and kind and slow to anger and quick to forgive. He hears us when we call, and is faithful to deliver us from the enemy.
How we perceive God has a direct effect on how we receive God. This in turn, will have a direct effect on what we expect from God. In the book of Hebrews we are told that we are not coming to a mountain that cannot be touched. Because the people saw God as an untouchable God who they did not want to get close to, God gave them what they wanted. They always wanted God to appease their whining, but they refused to get close or give Him love and glory. That was not what God wanted; it was how they saw Him. They perceived Him that way and they received what they expected.
God wanted to simply enjoy the garden with Adam and Eve and watch like a proud Father as they expanded His creation according to his perfect plan, but they were easily deceived and doubted what God said, based on an accusation by the serpent. It is hard to imagine with the relationship they had with God that they would do that.
It is important that we have a proper understanding of what God is really like. We develop this as we review the revelation of God in His word. As we become more acquainted with what He is really like we are less likely to be deceived and tripped up by the whiles of the devil. Remember the good things God has done for you. Remember the love He has shown you. Consider the times He has protected, delivered, or provided for you. As the Psalmist told them to walk around the walls and behold the greatness of what God provided so they could tell it to future generations, so must we have a proper perspective of what God is like so we can present Him as He is.
He is a strong tower. He is the glory and the lifter of my head. His banner over me is love. Nothing is impossible for Him. He fills my life with good things. God is for me. He leads me in the way everlasting. He strengthens my life. His plans for me are good. He watches over His word to perform it. This is only a short list of what God is like!