This is my prayer for you: that your love will grow more and more; that you will have knowledge and understanding with your love; that you will see the difference between what is important and what is not and choose what is important. (Philippians 1:9-10 ERV)
What is important? Of course there are many personal preferences that come into play in answer to this question. We all have different things that are important to us, and the truth is that God is moved by what is important to us as individuals. He is interested in our lives; in our needs, and in our desires. The plain truth is that God cares. In fact scripture assures us that He knows all about everything and that if we will seek Him and His Kingdom first, everything will be added to us.
Jesus went so far as to tell us in Mark 11, that if we would have faith in God and not doubt that God would do whatever we asked. It has to be true if Jesus said it! So why do we have such a hard time with believing it?
Oh, we believe it sort of. Well mostly we believe what Jesus says. We think that the word of God is true. Oh, but what about when it looks like it is not working? Those are the times that mess us up. The key here is. “When it looks like it is not working!” Hey we have all said things like, “I don’t care what it looks like or what it sounded like.” We have all done a Saul before. You know, deciding that someone was not coming and went ahead on our own. We have all tried to do something on our own rather than waiting for help or gotten there too late to help!
It makes perfect sense for us to expect people to take us at our word, but we claim confusion when God expects us to take Him at His. That is really pretty simple when we look at it from this angle, don’t you think?
What is important? It is important to believe God. In is important that we grow and have joy in our faith. In verse 25 Paul was discussing whether he would stay or go and be with the Lord. He actually thought it would be best to go and be with the Lord but he decided it was more important for him to stay and help them grow. It is important to grow in the love and understanding of God. After all, everything important is found in Him.
We have to ask ourselves if we have come to that place in our understanding. Do we see that it is in Him that we find our lives? Every part of our lives! When we do, then we begin to see things the way He sees them. We can actually get beyond the way things appear and trust what He says more that what we see.
We must have child like faith and grown up understanding. Just as we tell children it will be alright and expect them to trust our understanding, now we can believe God with our greater understanding. I have a feeling everything is going to be alright. That is important!