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Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him...(1 John 4:15 NKJ

When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives, He comes to live in us. There is not a waiting period or a proving ground to go through; He simply does what He has promised. The waiting is done on His part as He waits for us to understand exactly what that means. God surely hit the nail on the head when He pointed out that people perish for a lack of knowledge. We are also told that we should seek and receive understanding. Of course, while God is attempting to get us to understand His Kingdom principles, there are other forces busy attempting to keep us from walking in His fullness.

Since the last time when we talked of responding with the power in us rather than to the pressure on us, I have frequently heard the Spirit of God saying, “Remember what is in you.” I know that peace is in me. The power not to sin when angry is in me. If my health is attacked healing is in me. When vain imaginations are writing a script of wrong things to say, the power to cast them down is in me. Ultimately, the truth is that it is not so much what is in me or in us as it is Who is in us and what He provides us with.

Do we ever forget Who is in us? Obviously we do, or we would not so easily buckle under to the pressures that come at us. We are deceived and believe that God is an in and out God or an on an off God. We forget that that He is faithful even if we are not. Friends He does His part no matter what. He does not leave when we fail to act according to the power that is in us. He waits patiently for us recover and call!

There is no doubt that God is not the only force operating in our lives. We can choose what we will do. As long as we are in the flesh, we will have opportunities to follow our flesh. So as long as we live we will be able to sin. We will also be able to choose not to. People without God make choices every day. They choose to kill someone or not to kill someone. They can choose to steal or not to steal, or hate or not to hate. The difference is that we do what we do out of love for God. We make right choices and give Him the glory. We make right choices based on what He has said. Ultimately, we will spend eternity in His presence. That is really living; now and forever!

Unfortunately, we do make wrong choices. However, if we do, we can be forgiven. Even if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts and we are still forgiven. The point is that we must remember who is in us and what He has for us.

We need not be overcome by evil; we are empowered to overcome evil with good. Don’t give up on anything including yourself; remember that He that is in you is greater. Take the time to consider what God in you brings to the table. Use all that is at your disposal to attain all that God has promised. Remember; power, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, protection, direction, deliverance, prosperity, wisdom, strength, and everything else you could ever need are right there in you ready to manifest the Kingdom of God in your life.

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