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May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers. (Psalms 20:5 NLT)

There are very few people in the world who never or have never shouted. Shouting is a gift we have! Like all gifts there are right ways to use it and wrong uses as well. Although there are many uses for this gift, the designer, God, intended it to be used to praise Him. The shout unto God is the most productive use of the gift. While it may be used to warn someone or make a point etc, God gave us a shout for His victory.
Does the very thought of God give you the urge to shout His praises? This is what the Psalmist is talking about in this verse. Every thought of God is full of reminders of victories past, present, or future. We can use every circumstance to doubt or to shout. There is no circumstance in life that cannot be found or related to something God has already done or promised to do. It is learning to look to Him as our hope, shield, and source that will help us to overpower doubts with shouts.
Last week was the Super Bowl. There was a lot of shouting going on. Some people could care less about a game and those who do care about the game don’t understand those who don’t care, and those who don’t care do not understand those who do. That sounds a bit familiar.
People who are excited about the goodness of God are a mystery to people who are not as excited. Those who are excited cannot understand how a person can keep from being excited. Interestingly, it seems that those who are not excited do their best to quench the excitement in those who are, and sadly, it often works.
How often do we keep our faith to ourselves so that we do not offend someone? I am not saying to go look for ways to offend people. There are enough people out there working on that. Have you noticed that protesters protest without knowing for sure what they are protesting and they don’t care who cares. They trash country sides and cities and think that it is perfectly ok, but we should not mention the Lord out God. That makes me want to shout!
Jesus said that the good news is offensive and a stumbling block but He also said to let it fly! This psalm challenges us to shout for joy at just the hearing of a victory. Is there a link between that excitement and the answering of all of our prayers?
God sent Moses to deliver the people from Egypt for one purpose, so that they could go out and worship Him. He rescues us for the same purpose, so that we can worship Him. That is our highest calling. Everything else flows from that. It is in worship that we are built up and filled up. It is from that overflow that He flows. Joshua and the people marched for seven days of silent worship and then shouted and the walls fell down. What makes you shout?

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