But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find the earth who have faith? (Luke 18:8 NLT)
The most important thing is that we have faith in God. His word goes on forever. Jesus is the living word of God. In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh. When the Lord returns will He find people who believe this? It was important to Him; that is why He asked.
I was reading Jeremiah and thinking what a hard assignment he had; constantly warning and telling what was going to happen and very little of it was good, but it was for a purpose. He warned them that they would not obey the warning and still they did not obey the warning. As I read this I just had this blanket of the Lord come over me concerning what really matters.
It is important that we do not ignore the Lord. It is important that we focus on what is important. Peter posed the question, “What sort of people should we be?” I see people caught up in figuring out when the Lord will come. That is fine, but are we growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord so that when He returns or when we go to Him we will be found faithful?
Is it more important to figure or forgive? What will best reveal the Lord to the world? He wants us to be believing and receiving the promises of God and revealing His greatness to those who will believe. Show them Jesus.
Jesus came into the world to reveal the goodness of God. We cannot ignore Him like the people who ignored what He spoke through Jeremiah. If we are going to learn from Jeremiah, we should learn that God did not want all the things to happen that happened. Do we really need to know when the end will come? We have assurance from the Lord that believers will not be surprised. If I am on the earth when He comes, I want to be living in such a way that I just continue on in the same way praising and thanking God. I want to be found faithful.
We can trust God to get it done, whatever it is. He is able to save. He is able to draw. He is able to heal. He forgives. He provides. He protects. He guides. He comforts. He is the I Am. We have the privilege of knowing Him in all of these ways and many more. If we want to understand, He gives us understanding. If we do not want to ignore Him, He will even help with that.
Help us Lord to love, know, honor, and trust you more. Lead us into that way that is everlasting. Guide us with your eye. Create in us clean hearts and grant us willing spirits to keep us in your presence at all times. Help us to care as you care and to have compassion as you have compassion. Keep us from ignoring you. Lord you are life to those who find you. You are health to all flesh. You are beyond what we can hope or imagine. You are God! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever.