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By God's grace and might power, I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News. (Ephesians 3:7 NLT)

As I lay down to sleep I saw a picture in which it appeared that my brain was being removed from my head. As I pondered what it could mean, I went to sleep. No doubt there are those who have thought my brain was removed long ago, but according to the Word of God, I have the mind of Christ, so we will just continue on with this.

Needless to say, I continued to think about this any time I awoke in the night and on through the morning. There were a couple other little glimpses that I received that appeared like there was an information exchange going on, and then God led me to read the 3rd chapter of Ephesians. Of course you cannot read just one chapter of anything! Once you start you want to read on both sides, because it is all so good. Ephesians is of course where Paul speaks of renewing our minds, and that fit pretty well with the removal I had pictured in my mind.

I then felt like God was saying that He is preparing a people who will enter an accelerated learning curve. This opportunity will be available for every believer in Jesus Christ including the old, newer, newest, and new born believers. For this generation, the best illustration I can think of would be computer upgrades. You know how those windows pop up offering a new version of a program you have been running. Some of them will extract the old version before installing the new version so that your computer can run better. Another way you could look at it is that you do not repair a car by adding a new part without removing the old that did not work as well.

There are things that we will need to change in the way we look at things in order for our understanding to grasp what God has in store. These are often the most difficult things for people to handle, but God is making them available and oh what a blessing this will be to all who upgrade and to those around them as a result.

So what should we be doing? Quite simply, we should be spreading the Good News of the Kingdom of God. That is simple enough isn’t it? It is not a burden. It does not require a bunch of agonizing over what to say or how to say it. We should be simply sharing how good God is and that He is good to all who call. In fact He pours out blessings on even those who do not call if they are near when they fall. Think about it. Has God ever used you to do something nice to someone who was not so nice? That is Good News. That is how God works.

For me, this whole plan of God is like a second verse. When I received my first glimpse of the Good News, my mind was renewed so fast and there were so many changes that I wondered if I had lost my mind. In fact, I did lose mine and someone new and wonderful took over. With this latest picture and revelation from God I am feeling like a kid who is about open up the biggest package he has ever received. The only difference is that kids have usually asked for something that they can imagine being in the package. I really cannot imagine what God has in store. I only know that with Him involved it will be wonderful. It may not be painless, but it will be wonderful all the same. In the end it will all be good news and that is what we need to share.

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